Opening Hours : Mon- Fri 9:00~ 18:00 (School closes on Sat, Sun, and public holidays)
When you study in the Philippines, you may contact illnesses due to unfamiliar lifestyle, environment, climate, and stress on different cultures, etc. Hence, it is important for you to have an overseas travel insurance so that you are able to seek medical help instantly without worrying about the hefty medical bills.
Most Filipinos speak English. Hence, you do not need to worry about the language barrier when you are in the hospital.
There is a 24 hours emergency center in most of the hospitals in Cebu. Our school staff will also accompany you to the hospital in case of emergency.
While studying in the Philippines, there are people who are unfamiliar with stress, diet and changes in climate of overseas living conditions. Please select an overseas travel insurance from your home country as you will then be able to make the claim for any situation easily.
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