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> > Critical thinking II

Second stage exercise in critical thinking:

Critical thinking studies a topic or problem with open-mindedness. This exercise outlines the second stage of applying a critical thinking approach to developing and understanding a topic. With the second stage:
  • Refine/revise the topic either narrowing or broadening it according to outcomes of research
  • Rank or indicate the importance of three sources of research
  • Clarify any opinion, prejudice, or bias their authors have While an opinion is a belief or attitude toward someone or some thing, a prejudice is preconceived opinion without basis of fact while bias is an opinion based on fact or research.
  • Identify key words and concepts that seem to repeat Is there vocabulary you need to define? Are there concepts you need to understand better?
  • In reviewing your research, are there Sequences or patterns that emerge? Opposing points of view, contradictions, or facts that don’t “fit?” Summarize two points of view that you need to address
  • What questions remain to be answered?
Critical thinking, first stage helped you to
  • Develop a statement of the topic
  • List what you understand, what you’ve been told and what opinions you hold about it
  • Identify resources available for research
  • Define timelines and due dates and how they affect the development of your study
  • Print the list as your reference
With this second exercise, think in terms of how you would demonstrate your learning for your topic How would you create a test on what you have learned? How would you best explain or demonstrate your findings? From simple to more complex (1-6) learning operations:
  1. List, label, identify: demonstrate knowledge
  2. Define, explain, summarize in your own words: Comprehend/understand
  3. Solve, apply to a new situation: Apply what you have learned
  4. Compare and contrast, differentiate between items: analyze
  5. Create, combine, invent: Synthesize
  6. Assess, recommend, value: Evaluate and explain why

Summary of critical thinking:

  • Determine the facts of a new situation or subject without prejudice
  • Place these facts and information in a pattern so that you can understand and explain them
  • Accept or reject your resource values and conclusions based upon your experience, judgment, and beliefs

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Mary Jane

Mary Jane Go has been teaching English for over 13 years. She believes that it is very important to learn English and learn it by heart. For her, it's always the right time for a dance party and that hanging out with friends is indispensable.

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