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Approach for IELTS Writing – Task 2

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The most important thing you must do first when you approach the essay for Task 2 is to read the question carefully and to understand what the question is asking you to write about. Yes, that’s obvious, but I’ve seen countless essays where the students have worked so hard on brainstorming, organizing and supporting their ideas only to later realize that they didn’t answer the question AT ALL.

So, get it right from the beginning. Make sure you:

  1. Read the question carefully. Reread it if you have to.
  2. Underline key words. These words will be about the topic and issue – the focus of your essay.
  3. Identify what the call-to-action part of the question is. Usually, the Task consists of 2 parts: the first is a claim about an issue and the second is the call-to-action question – asking you to do something specific in your essay. Call-to-action questions include: agree/disagree; cause/effect; problem/solution; advantages/disadvantages; discussion; etc.

Let’s look at an example.

Task Question:

It is inevitable that as technology develops traditional cultures must be lost. Technology and tradition are incompatible – you cannot have both together.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Your steps:

1) Read carefully, then reread if you have to. 

2) Underline key topic words:

Technology, traditional cultures, incompatible, lost

What does the statement say?  That technology and traditional cultures cannot coexist at all. The more technologically advanced our society becomes, our traditions will disappear.

3) What are you supposed to write about in your essay? This is what the call-to-action question tells you: “To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?”

  • Do you agree or disagree with the notion that technology and traditional cultures can’t coexist? How far? Completely? Somewhat?
  • Your essay will be structured on what your answer is here. Once you’ve decided on your answer (which you should do quickly), you should then begin to organize your ideas.

You only have 40 minutes to plan and write a fully developed 250-word essay. The “meat” (most important/substantial part) of your essay is in your main body paragraphs, so you don’t want to spend too much time thinking of a creative way to introduce your topic and opinion. Remember,  you want to get straight to the issue and be as clear as possible. Here is your strategy in writing a good introduction to any Task 2 question:

  1. Read the question very carefully – a few times if you have to, to make sure you completely understand the question.
  2. Underline key words that you will use and paraphrase in your introduction.
  3. Highlight the specific question(s) you must answer.
  4. Think of your answer (personal opinion) to the question.
  5. Now write your introduction:
  • 1st sentence: Write about the general topic – paraphrase the sentence that introduces the question of the Task. You should write 1 – 2 sentences only.
  • Next sentence: Answer the question(s) asked in the Task. Try to write it in 1 sentence. This is your opinion and heart of your essay. A great way to write this is to follow this format:
  • “Although [insert claim made in task question]…, I think …”
  • “While [insert claim made in task question] …, I believe/ agree/ disagree/ feel …

For the agree/disagree essay, I think it’s probably easiest to just completely agree or completely disagree because you just need to have 2 reasons to support why.

Remember, the examiner is marking you on how you express, organize and support your ideas. They aren’t judging you on your opinion. As long as it’s logical and cohesive (your argument is supported and your ideas stick together) and written clearly, you will get a higher mark.

You can follow this 4-paragraph structure:

  1. Introduction– introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question (I fully agree or disagree with the claim)
  2. Main Reason #1 why you agree or disagree – give examples and supporting details
  3. Main Reason #2 why you agree or disagree – give examples and supporting details
  4. Conclusion – restate your opinion (this is a very short paragraph – probably 1 to 2 sentences)

Here’s an example:

Many children these days have an unhealthy lifestyle. Both schools and parents are equally responsible for solving this problem.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

My outline of ideas for my essay (not fully written out):

1. Introduction – Write a sentence about the topic, paraphrase the claim and give my opinion – I completely disagree. I think only parents are fully responsible for solving this problem.

2. Main Reason #1 

I believe parents are fully responsible for solving this problem.

  • main caregiver and spend the most time with their kids
  • should be the primary role model of living a healthy lifestyle
  • most effective because parents provide child’s food/meals and guidelines for child’s free time and activities

3. Main Reason #2

Schools should not be responsible for solving this problem.

  • Schools should focus on academics – reading/writing/maths and science
  • Teachers have a relatively small amount of time with each child – they have to worry about a classroom full of 30+ children
  • least effective because they don’t provide for the child’s regular diet

4. Conclusion – restate my opinion that I completely disagree and believe that only parents, rather than parents and schools equally, are responsible for changing children’s unhealthy lifestyles.

For the problem/solution essay, you can follow this paragraph structure:

  1. Introduction– introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question
  2. Problems – give examples and supporting details
  3. Solutions – give examples and supporting details
  4. Conclusion – restate your answer to the question
  1. Introduction –  introduce topic and give your clear answer to the task question
  2. Main problem #1  & possible solutions  – give examples
  3. Main problem #2  & possible solutions – give examples
  4. Conclusion – restate your answer to the question

Here’s an example for a problem/solution essay or a reasons for problems/solutions essay.

People naturally resist change in their lives. What kind of problems can this cause? What solutions can you suggest? 

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 

Here’s my 4-paragraph approach:

  1. Introduction. First sentence paraphrases the topic of the question – people avoid making changes in their lives. Second/Third sentence answer both questions.
  2. Problems caused by this resistance – give examples – not challenging oneself in pursuing career or academic goals, staying unhealthy and unfit, staying in a bad relationship, etc.
  3. Possible solutions – finding support groups, encouragement from family & friends, etc.
  4. Conclusion – restate answer and overall possible solutions.

Here’s another example:

The widespread use of the Internet has brought many problems. What do you think are the main problems associated with the use of the web? What solutions can you suggest?

 Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.  

Here’s my paragraph structure:

  1. Introduction –  paraphrase the topic, answer the questions
  2. Main problems (I put both problems together) – Privacy security and vulnerability of children by online predators
  3. Suggested solutions (applies to both problems) – stronger regulations and parental supervision
  4. Conclusion – restate suggested solutions to address main problems

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Mary Jane

Mary Jane Go has been teaching English for over 13 years. She believes that it is very important to learn English and learn it by heart. For her, it's always the right time for a dance party and that hanging out with friends is indispensable.

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