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Importance of Fluency in IELTS Speaking

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Fluency in speaking means speaking English easily, quickly and without having to stop and pause a lot.  Becoming fluent in English can take many years but if you practice it regularly, you can become fluent in English as soon as possible.  Here are some compiled several ways using which you can improve your fluency in IELTS speaking. No matter whether you are preparing for examinations like IELTS or worried about the negative consequences associated with communication, fluency plays a vital role in enhancing your communication.

Fluency in English is a mark of a learned person.  It helps you convey your ideas, messages and thoughts clearly so that effective communication can take place between persons, parties and organizations.  The best way to improve your fluency in communication is to talk. Some people are good in English but when it comes to speaking, they get stumped.

Below mentioned are several tips that can help you improve your fluency in IELTS speaking. will help students improve their speaking skills so that they can score well.

  • You get enough time to repeat your thoughts in head before you are asked to speak about a topic. Therefore, utilize that time effectively to arrange your thoughts so that you can speak fluently before the examiner.
  • Utilize every opportunity to speak in English. This way you will overcome your communication barriers and learn to converse well in English.
  • Do not worry about making mistakes. Because making mistakes is the best way to learn and overcome your weaknesses.
  • Be clear about what you want to speak. This will help you avoid pausing or stop while you are speaking.
  • Reading good quality of books and newspapers would help you gain acquaintance with the commonly used vocabulary. You will learn new words and learn to use them in sentences while speaking.

Fluency counts a major part in IELTS speaking. Therefore, follow these tips to improve your fluency In English.

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Mary Jane

Mary Jane Go has been teaching English for over 13 years. She believes that it is very important to learn English and learn it by heart. For her, it's always the right time for a dance party and that hanging out with friends is indispensable.

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